Our Mission
To amplify stories, resources and expertise to strengthen student-athlete mental health, build a community by and for athletes through peer-to-peer conversations and provide a platform for advocacy
Austin, Morgan, and Aberle.
Our Vision
Eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health within the high school and collegiate student-athlete communities
Equalize the treatment of physical and mental health in athletics
Normalize conversations in safe spaces
Encourage peer-to-peer communications
Empower those who suffer in silence & support those who feel alone
Building an all-volunteer campus Ambassador network
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Morgan’s Message® is committed to elevating the diversity of perspectives found within athletics. We aim to build a community which respects, supports and actively engages all aspects of identity, including race, color, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, spirituality, religion, disability, age, national origin and socioeconomic status.
We acknowledge the ways in which these identities differentiate our individual experiences with mental health. Morgan’s Message® will remain a safe, open and trustworthy platform that equitably advocates for all members of the student-athlete community.
Our Butterfly Logo
Our logo was derived from Morgan’s artwork and inspired by her love of teal. At her memorial we all noticed we were surrounded by butterflies — that would continue to appear when we needed them most. We all believe it’s Morgan’s way of reminding us she’s here, showing us love and support always. Lastly, the semi-colon is used as a message of affirmation and solidarity against suicide, depression, addiction and other mental health challenges.
Our logo was designed by Nick Birnie - follow him on Instagram @birnienart and check out more of his work.